APCM – St Andrew’s

St Andrew’s is holding its Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday 28th April 2024 as part of the 6pm service. Everyone is welcome to attend. Part of the service will be devoted to a Review of 2023.

There are 3 spaces available on the Parochial Church Council (PCC) this year and we are also looking for Wardens and Deanery Synod Representatives. If you are interested in any of these roles and want to know more, please talk to Dave or one of the existing role holders. Nomination forms for each of these can be downloaded below as Word documents. Please leave nomination forms in the labelled box on the office table.

Nomination Form – PCC Member
Nomination Form – Deanery Synod
Nomination Form – Church Warden

In preparation for the APCM, the Electoral Roll has been updated. Further applications to join the Electoral Roll can be downloaded as a Word document by clicking here. Please hand your application form to the Electoral Roll Officer Nick Fane.

The documents for the APCM can be downloaded as PDF files by clicking on the links below:

St Andrew’s APCM 2024 Agenda
St Andrew’s APCM 2023 Minutes
St Andrew’s Annual Accounts 2023
St Andrew’s Trustees Annual Report 2023
St Andrew’s and All Saints Annual Review 2023

We look forward to seeing as many as possible at the APCM. However for those who are unable to make it, we will be recording the APCM and making it available on our YouTube Channel later.